Monday, March 23, 2009


Well I almost managed to step on it again this morning. Quite by accident though, but who knew. Well truth be know, I knew but wasn’t thinking.

During my absence to American my wife did an outstanding job tending to our lawn and had it perfectly cut just days before my return. Due to the ending of our winter in which the temperature got down to about 55 on several occasions this was the first time we have had to cut the lawn in about five months or so.

During this dormant phase some sort of grass which shoots up in long sprouts above the wanted grass has taken hold. It is unsightly and distracts from the appearance of the lawn.

To solve this problem, at least temporarily, I though I would solicit the employee of a neighbors son. With about an hour’s work, he could get down on hands and knees, which I am unable to do and pull up by the roots this renegade grass that has developed. I was going to offer the pricey sum of 100 baht (about $2.86). I though this was more that a fair price as day laborers that toil in the sun all day earn less than 200 baht per day.

When I mentioned this plan to Mee she informed me in no uncertain terms that "I had lost my rabbit ass mind." or words very close to that. I think the actual words "dumb s*it" may have been uttered.

Seems as if I had neglected to consider Thai Culture in my little plan.

The prospective employee is about 11 years old and is an only child. So there was violation number one. Boys are at the head of the food chain, only sons twice that. Manual labor should never be considered. They play with their friends while the girls haul the water so to speak.

Mother is a teacher; father is a police officer. Both of which are highly respected professions in Thailand. Being in these two professions brings great respect from the general public. Thus, ethic violation number two. Offering manual labor to someone to which such a chore would be below their dignity level. And though not mentioned by Mee there was probably a culture violation in that an underling (me the farang) was about to offering physical labor type employment to my upper.

Good thing I have Mee to keep me straight and keep me from falling into these cultural pits.

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