Thursday, March 19, 2009

Paternal Grandparents

These are my paternal grandparents Thomas Marion Collier, Born: December 2, 1958, Died February 13, 1907 and Alice Caroline Berley Collier, Born: September 14, 1862, Died June 21, 1933. She out lived him by some 26 years. They lived out in the country near Campti, Louisiana so that must have been rough going for grandma. Hauling water, chopping wood, working in the garden, milking cows, cleaning house, cooking, etc. are no easy chores.

He sort of looks like one of those riverboat gambler dudes doesn’t he?

On an average, the children of this couple didn’t live long lives. My father only 47 years, Uncle Leonard 63 years, Uncle Simmons 30 years and Aunt Perle died relative young. However, for some strange reason her maker does not show adate of birth or death. Two exceptions were my Uncle Harold and Aunt Nita.

Because I was born many years after their deaths, I know very little about them. Also, my father died when I was only 7 so we did not share enough time together to discuss family history. My oldest sister Shirley had a few memories of grandmother. Said he was a good cook and great seamstress. Believe the family originally came to Louisiana from Georgia but I cannot confirm this.

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