Saturday, March 1, 2008

Things I miss about the USA

Some of the things That I miss about not living in America are as follows. These are not necessarily in any order, or have any priority assigned and there are others, they just didn't come to memory as I was writing this.

Family and friends.

People normally forming and orderly line to receive service without everyone clamoring to be first.

A wait staff that more often than not gets your order right, brings hot food to your table then provides a check with only the items you ordered.

More that just a few weeks of cool weather annually.

Country and western music on the radio.

Libraries, where you can sit, browse and read. Maybe even fall asleep for a few minutes.

Driving on roads relatively free of motorcycles, bicycles, carts, cows, water buffalo's and other obstacles.

People who don't get off escalators, sky-trains, or subways, then stop dead in their tracks and plan their day's activities. Or make abrupt direction changes as you are walking past them. (People here just don't look where they are going, walking or driving.)

To walk into the appliance or electronics section of a store without being ambushed by a herd of sales people eager for commission.

Grayson's BBQ in Clarence, Louisiana.

Frito's/Necco Wafers

Dr. Pepper

1 comment:

fishoutofwater said...

post some info about what you like about Thailand, why you settled there , etc.